Wednesday 25 February 2009


Story Board

This Is our first 5 Implications of ideas. Each Drawing is an indication of what we want our film to include:
1- She stands alone holding a bunch of flowers. Establishing shot to identify her surround and full body etire
2- People begin rushing past her in all directions. She remains standing still and lifeless. Signifying her feelings; confusion and uncertainty
3- A Boy Approaches her as life stand still again "Whats Wrong?"- Mid Shot & over the shoulder shot.
4- Long shot as she throws the flowers on the floor and begins to run away.
5- She begins to run down the road. Wide shot shows the road and the houses which she passes.

These are our next 6 ideas. they represent in order what we wants our film to include throughout.
6-There is then a total blackout.
7-Shen then Runs into her house. An establishing shot shows her running through her gate; her house is shown in full view.
8-A sky shot shows her running up her stair, panicking and worried.
9- Mid shot Shows the fear and Distress Lucy Is Going Through aswell as Establshes where she is now going!
10-Long shot to show Lucy entering the bathroom.
11-Establishing shot- to show the bathroom in which the next shots will occur.

These are the next 6 shots of our film:
12-Mid-shot nas Lucy Walk to the mirror to view her reflection
13-Close up of Lucys distorted reflection in the mirror.
14-close up of Lucy turning the tap on (hand and sink).
15-Close up- showing Lucys hands opening the mirror cupboard.
16-Full body shot shows lucy open

These are our last 5 shots: