Monday 1 December 2008

Media Evaluation

Over the past few weeks we have been undergoing a practical production to help further our ideas of what creating a short film entails and also assess the strengths and weaknesses of our production so that we can alternate this in future productions.

We started off by using story boards to create a general idea of what shots we wanted to use and what scenes we wanted to include into our production. The story board helped us immensely with giving us as a group a guideline as to what needs to be filmed where and when, also that who will be in the shot at what time.
We also created a list of props and additional notes that would give us guidance as to what to bring in for the days of filming i.e. if ‘Karen’ was wearing an outfit on one day, we had to ensure she was wearing the same clothes on the next occasion when we would be filming; this ensured consistency and realism of the production. The list also contained things such as the following:
· Business suit- used to show ‘Karen’ Is a women of business and power
· Tatty clothing- used to portray the idea that the person had been kidnapped
· Rope & Cloth- Used to tie the victim to a chair
· Chair- Used for the victim to sit on
· An Area For Filming- Somewhere desolate and dark; suggesting mystery and eeriness
· A time of day appropriate- during the course of a school day

One of the strengths of our production as a whole was the planning; our planning was well organised and contained sufficient amount of information necessary. Also the story line of our short film was good as it was simple but yet effective. It therefore didn’t contain any stunts or anything out of the ordinary but also portrayed our techniques with camera direction.
Unfortunately there were a lot of weaknesses to our production! We only had one lesson out of around ten where the whole of the production team was punctual, this meant an insufficient amount of work done and lack of dedication between us. I, personally felt like a lot of the work done was by myself and Karen and I didn’t feel like I had the help and support from my group, for example Positions are usually allocated to each candidate as a guidance as to what they will be doing during the course of the filming process (Script writers, camera people, cast, directors etc.) However I acted on all of these parts; this meant I filmed the film as well as acted init, I also drew up the story board and edited the film. The last lesson we had to film was vital as the whole of the film had to be completed; including editing. However I and Karen found ourselves doing all the work as a pair rather then as a group of four. Editing wasn’t completed to a high standard neither filming. Although we planned sufficiently and thought the production would run accordingly, this practical production enlightened me as to how important every person in a group is and gave me an outlook into the importance of being punctual and consistent.

1 comment:

Mr. Go said...


Some good insight into the production process was done but there was not enough attention paid to the final product in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. You should aim to make references to specific parts of the film to back up these points.