Friday 20 March 2009

Pre-Production Evaluation

We came up with four initial ideas to use for out practical production.
Our final idea portrayed elements of all the ideas we collected; this contained, suspense, fear, drama, betrayal and left the audience with a cliff-hanger ending.
It was difficult creating an idea for out production as we didn’t want it to be a reflection of other peoples work but instead an individual story, with a unique plot.
As a group we decided we didn’t want our story to be the typical horror story of a girl being murdered, but instead a story that teenagers in general could relate to.
We didn’t face too many difficulties as a group decided out idea as well all generally wanted the production to be relatively simple and leave the audience thinking what’s happening next; therefore there was no trouble in this aspect.

The Screenplay I found more difficult. This was partly because we hadn’t fully organised the scenes that we were going to use. I done the Screenplay as to what I thought it would entail and asked the group for acceptance, they then said what they thought would be better and I edited the parts they wanted to include. I believe the screenplay went well.

I was elected to do create the storyboard, and therefore had the job of drawing each shot and writing about why and what the shot was used for. I found this task quite difficult as I wasn’t sure on what shots would actually be used ie. The misty windows. However I included them in case they were to be used in post production. Once I’d drawn all the pictures I wrote down in order the shots and scenes I wrote why I had decided to use the scenes and why I thought they be effective in our post production.

It seemed like as a group we were not all participating to our full potential so therefore made a schedule including every ones roles within the group. I felt like I had done a lot of the work and people in my group could be doing much more then they were. This helped us with things like:
o Props
o Meeting points
o Blog updates

What went well?
I think as a group we succeeded in making all the pre production essentials efficiently, deadlines were met and there weren’t many complaints within the group. Individually I think I did well, the story board was completed on time as well as the screenplay, I wrote up the synopsis and I also uploaded every ones work to the blog via the scanner. So in this sense I fulfilled my role within the group. Everyone in the group came together in the end, and research made by everyone was good.

What didn’t go well?
We started an influences PowerPoint but the person responsible failed to complete it in time, this meant we had to instead individually write our own and our own ideas to what we thought influenced our movie. I think the roles could’ve been divided more equally between the group. Other then this our groups final pre-production was successful and included all the elements initially asked for.

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