Wednesday 21 January 2009

Aisleigh, Anna, Chloe & Maria;s Shot Sequences/ Screenplay

Shot Sequence
1. Long Shot- Lucy by herself; lonely and deserted
2. Long Shot- People begin walking past (speeded up)
3. Over The Shoulder Shot (OTS)- boy approaches “What’s the matter?”
4. Establishing Shot (ES)- Lucy pushes flowers onto the boy and begins to run away
5. Pan Show/ Travelling Shot- Lucy begins to run (full body shot).
6. Blackout…….
7. Full Body Shot- Lucy opens her door and slams it behind her.
8. Zooming In Shot/ Birdseye View- camera films Lucy running up her stairs.
9. Travelling Shot- Lucy runs down corridor into her bathroom; slamming the door
10. Mid Shot- Lucy leans against the bathroom door; breathing heaving and distressed
11. ES- View of whole bathroom to establish her surroundings.
12. Mid shot- Lucy travels to her mirror; crying and panicking.
13. OTS- Lucy reflections becomes apparent
14. OTS- Lucy turns on her taps
15. OTS- Lucy opens the mirror cupboard and begins searching through the pills
16. Mid Shot- Lucy holds pills; distraught and confused.
17. Mid Side Shot- Lucy is still holding the pills; quivering and indecisive
18. Zoom Out- Camera zooms out and she closes the cupboard which are now misty
19. OTS- Lucy clears the mist of the mirror to show her distorted reflection
20. Close Up- Lucy Begins to open pills and pour onto her quivering hands
21. Zooms In- Zooms in to her mouth and stops as her hands containing the pills enter her mouth
22. Blackout entitles ‘6 Months later’

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